Show Jumping Rule Change regarding style of whip

Published: 20-Jan-2025

British Showjumping introduced the use of a padded baton, rather than any other kind of schooling or short whip, last year. Trailblazers have implemented this rule, and only an approved padded baton will be permitted at Trailblazers competitions.

The statement on this in the Trailblazers Show Jumping rules for 2025 says
Only one padded baton, as defined in detail in the British Showjumping Member Handbook, may be carried in the competition arena, practice arena or anywhere, on, or in the immediate vicinity of the showground.

The padded baton, if carried, must be held in the hand by the handle with the handle at the top.

Failure to comply, or use of any other kind of whip by rider or associated personnel, may incur disqualification.

The maximum length of the Padded baton is 70cm and must be no less than 45cm. The contact area, is considered to be 2/5’s (two fifths) of the overall length of the padded baton and must be covered with a pad.

The full description can be found in the British Showjumping Members Handbook 2025 as rule 102 – Saddlery and Equipment, sub-section 9 starting on page 104.

BS have also produced an illustrated guide to the requirements for a padded baton which can be found here -

Competitors should also be aware of BS rule 10 Abuse of Horses/Ponies, sub-section 2 (page 109) which details how the padded baton should be used. This is summarised below.

Use of the Padded Baton

The Padded Baton may only be used to support the natural aids in encouraging the horse forward. It must not be used to discipline or punish the horse. Such use is always excessive and will lead to elimination, as will any use that results in broken or marked skin on the horse.

The Padded Baton must not be used more than 3 times in total whilst in the arena and is not to be used immediately after Refusal, Run Out or Elimination in either the competition or practice arena.

The arm must not come above the shoulder and the Padded Baton should contact behind the rider’s leg to reinforce the leg aid. If used to support the shoulder, the rider must retain both hands on the reins and apply contact/pressure down the shoulder.

Misuse of the Padded Baton in the arena, practice arena or anywhere on the show ground will result in disciplinary action being taken.

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