Qualifying for the SEIB Trailblazers

Published: 16-May-2024

The qualifying period for the Championship Final closes on 30 June 2024! You need to have completed your Show Jumping or Combined Training qualification or your Dressage second round by the 30th June 2024.

Competitors must qualify and purchase a Qualification Card for each level in which they wish to compete at the Championship Finals.

You can purchase your Qualification Cards from your qualifier venue. Once qualifying partnerships have purchased their Qualification Card it must be sent to the Trailblazers Show Secretary in order to register their qualification.

Remember to fill out all the details requested.

For more information about qualifying, please click here.

Please may we wish you all every success in your individual quest to qualify for the 2024 finals. We look forward to welcoming back the familiar faces and meeting many of you at the SEIB Trailblazers Championship Finals at Addington Equestrian in August 2024.

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